Recordr-class: Capture, review and publish data provenance

Description Slots Methods See Also


The Recordr class provides methods to record, search, review and publish data provenance about R script executions. Information about files read and written by a script and the execution environment can be captured for each script execution. Script executions can then be reviewed and selected to be published to the DataONE data repository, by retrieving archived copies of the R script, the files read and written by a script and a description of the provenance relationships between objects in the run, which are then combined into a package and uploaded to the requested member node.



value of type "character" containing a path to the Recordr working directory


A value of type "SQLiteConnection" that contains the connection of the recordr database


A valof of type "character" that contains the location of the recordr database file


See Also

recordr package description.

recordr documentation built on Sept. 12, 2016, 12:58 p.m.