Man pages for redland
RDF Library Bindings in R

addStatementAdd a Statement object to the Model
executeQueryExecute a query
freeModelFree memory used by a librdf model.
freeParserFree memory used by a librdf parser
freeQueryFree memory used by a librdf query
freeQueryResultsFree memory used by a librdf query results
freeSerializerFree memory used by a librdf serializer.
freeStatementFree memory used by a librdf statement
freeStorageFree memory used by a librdf storage object
freeWorldFree memory used by a librdf world object
getBlankNodeIdGet the blank identifier that has been assigned for a...
getNodeTypeDetermine the node type and return as a string
getNodeValueGet the value of the node as a string
getQueryResultsLimitGet the query result limit
getResultsReturn all query results
getTermTypeReturn the redland node type for the specified RDF term in a...
is.null.externalptrDetermine whether an externalptr object is NULL.
length-SWIGArray-methodReturn length of a SWIGArray
librdf_copyright_stringCopyright string (multiple lines).
librdf_copyright_string_getReturn Redland RDF copyright string
librdf_digest_finalFinish the digesting of data.
librdf_digest_init(Re)initialise the librdf_digest object.
librdf_digest_to_stringGet a string representation of the digest object.
librdf_digest_updateAdd more data to the librdf_digest object.
librdf_digest_update_stringAdd a string to the librdf_digest object.
librdf_free_digestDestructor - destroy a librdf_digest object.
librdf_free_hashDestructor - destroy a librdf_hash object.
librdf_free_iteratorDestructor - destroy a librdf_iterator object.
librdf_free_modelDestructor - Destroy a librdf_model object.
librdf_free_nodeDestructor - destroy an librdf_node object.
librdf_free_parserDestructor - destroys a librdf_parser object.
librdf_free_queryDestructor - destroy a librdf_query object.
librdf_free_query_resultsDestructor - destroy a librdf_query_results object.
librdf_free_serializerDestructor - destroys a librdf_serializer object.
librdf_free_statementDestructor - destroy a librdf_statement.
librdf_free_storageDestructor - destroy a librdf_storage object.
librdf_free_streamDestructor - destroy an libdf_stream object.
librdf_free_uriDestructor - destroy a librdf_uri object.
librdf_free_worldTerminate the library and frees all allocated resources.
librdf_hash_to_stringFormat the hash as a string, suitable for parsing by...
librdf_internal_test_errorFor internal testing, not part of public API
librdf_internal_test_warningFor internal testing, not part of public API
librdf_iterator_endTest if the iterator has finished.
librdf_iterator_get_contextGet the context of the current object on the iterator.
librdf_iterator_get_objectGet the current object from the iterator.
librdf_iterator_nextMove to the next iterator element.
librdf_log_message_codeRetrieve error code from log message.
librdf_log_message_facilityRetrieve facility that generated the message.
librdf_log_message_levelRetrieve severity of log message.
librdf_log_message_locatorRetrieve locator of log entry.
librdf_log_message_messageRetrieve text message from log entry.
librdf_model_addCreate and add a new statement about a resource to the model.
librdf_model_add_statementAdd a statement to the model.
librdf_model_add_statementsAdd a stream of statements to the model.
librdf_model_add_string_literal_statementCreate and add a new statement about a literal to the model.
librdf_model_add_typed_literal_statementCreate and add a new statement about a typed literal to the...
librdf_model_as_streamList the model contents as a stream of statements.
librdf_model_contains_contextCheck for a context in the model.
librdf_model_contains_statementCheck for a statement in the model.
librdf_model_context_add_statementAdd a statement to a model with a context.
librdf_model_context_add_statementsAdd statements to a model with a context.
librdf_model_context_as_streamList all statements in a model context.
librdf_model_context_remove_statementRemove a statement from a model in a context.
librdf_model_context_remove_statementsRemove statements from a model with the given context.
librdf_model_find_statementsFind matching statements in the model.
librdf_model_find_statements_in_contextSearch the model for matching statements in a given context.
librdf_model_get_arcReturn one arc (predicate) of an arc in an RDF graph given...
librdf_model_get_arcsReturn the arcs (predicates) of an arc in an RDF graph given...
librdf_model_get_arcs_inReturn the properties pointing to the given resource.
librdf_model_get_arcs_outReturn the properties pointing from the given resource.
librdf_model_get_contextsReturn the list of contexts in the graph.
librdf_model_get_featureGet the value of a graph feature .
librdf_model_get_sourceReturn one source (subject) of arc in an RDF graph given arc...
librdf_model_get_sourcesReturn the sources (subjects) of arc in an RDF graph given...
librdf_model_get_targetReturn one target (object) of an arc in an RDF graph given...
librdf_model_get_targetsReturn the targets (objects) of an arc in an RDF graph given...
librdf_model_has_arc_inCheck if a node has a given property pointing to it.
librdf_model_has_arc_outCheck if a node has a given property pointing from it.
librdf_model_loadLoad content from a URI into the model.
librdf_model_query_executeExecute a query against the model.
librdf_model_remove_statementRemove a known statement from the model.
librdf_model_set_featureSet the value of a graph feature.
librdf_model_sizeGet the number of statements in the model.
librdf_model_syncSynchronise the model to the model implementation.
librdf_model_to_stringWrite serialized model to a string.
librdf_model_transaction_commitCommit a transaction.
librdf_model_transaction_rollbackRollback a transaction.
librdf_model_transaction_startStart a transaction
librdf_new_digestConstructor - create a new librdf_digest object.
librdf_new_hashConstructor - create a new librdf_hash object.
librdf_new_hash_from_array_of_stringsConstructor - create a new librdf_hash object from an array...
librdf_new_hash_from_stringConstructor - create a new librdf_hash object from a string.
librdf_new_modelConstructor - create a new storage librdf_model object.
librdf_new_model_from_modelCopy constructor - create a new librdf_model from an existing...
librdf_new_model_with_optionsConstructor - Create a new librdf_model with storage.
librdf_new_nodeConstructor - create a new librdf_node object with a private...
librdf_new_node_from_blank_identifierConstructor - create a new blank node librdf_node object from...
librdf_new_node_from_literalConstructor - create a new literal librdf_node object.
librdf_new_node_from_nodeCopy constructor - create a new librdf_node object from an...
librdf_new_node_from_normalised_uri_stringConstructor - create a new librdf_node object from a UTF-8...
librdf_new_node_from_typed_literalConstructor - create a new typed literal librdf_node object.
librdf_new_node_from_uriConstructor - create a new resource librdf_node object with a...
librdf_new_node_from_uri_local_nameConstructor - create a new resource librdf_node object with a...
librdf_new_node_from_uri_stringConstructor - create a new librdf_node object from a URI...
librdf_new_parserConstructor - create a new librdf_parser object.
librdf_new_queryConstructor - create a new librdf_query object.
librdf_new_query_from_queryCopy constructor - create a new librdf_query object from an...
librdf_new_serializerConstructor - create a new librdf_serializer object.
librdf_new_statementConstructor - create a new empty librdf_statement.
librdf_new_statement_from_nodesConstructor - create a new librdf_statement from existing...
librdf_new_statement_from_statementCopy constructor - create a new librdf_statement from an...
librdf_new_storageConstructor - create a new librdf_storage object.
librdf_new_storage_from_storageCopy constructor - create a new librdf_storage object from an...
librdf_new_uriConstructor - create a new librdf_uri object from a URI...
librdf_new_uri_from_filenameConstructor - create a new librdf_uri object from a filename.
librdf_new_uri_from_uriCopy constructor - create a new librdf_uri object from an...
librdf_new_worldCreate a new Redland execution environment.
librdf_node_equalsCompare two librdf_node objects for equality.
librdf_node_get_blank_identifierGet the blank node identifier as a UTF-8 encoded string.
librdf_node_get_li_ordinalGet the node li object ordinal value.
librdf_node_get_literal_valueGet the literal value of the node as a UTF-8 encoded string.
librdf_node_get_literal_value_as_latin1Get the string literal value of the node as ISO Latin-1.
librdf_node_get_literal_value_datatype_uriGet the typed literal datatype URI of the literal node.
librdf_node_get_literal_value_is_wf_xmlGet the XML well-formness property of the node.
librdf_node_get_literal_value_languageGet the XML language of the node.
librdf_node_get_typeGet the type of the node.
librdf_node_get_uriGet the URI for a node object.
librdf_node_is_blankCheck node is a blank nodeID.
librdf_node_is_literalCheck node is a literal.
librdf_node_is_resourceCheck node is a resource.
librdf_parser_check_nameCheck if a parser name is known
librdf_parser_get_accept_headerGet an HTTP Accept value for the parser.
librdf_parser_get_featureGet the value of a parser feature.
librdf_parser_get_namespaces_seen_countGet the number of namespaces seen during parsing
librdf_parser_get_namespaces_seen_prefixGet the prefix of namespaces seen during parsing
librdf_parser_get_namespaces_seen_uriGet the uri of namespaces seen during parsing
librdf_parser_guess_name2Get a parser name for content with type or identifier
librdf_parser_parse_as_streamParse a URI to a librdf_stream of statements.
librdf_parser_parse_counted_string_as_streamParse a counted string of content to a librdf_stream of...
librdf_parser_parse_counted_string_into_modelParse a counted string of content into an librdf_model.
librdf_parser_parse_into_modelParse a URI of content into an librdf_model.
librdf_parser_parse_string_as_streamParse a string of content to a librdf_stream of statements.
librdf_parser_parse_string_into_modelParse a string of content into an librdf_model.
librdf_parser_set_featureSet the value of a parser feature.
librdf_query_executeRun the query on a model.
librdf_query_get_limitGet the query-specified limit on results.
librdf_query_get_offsetGet the query-specified offset on results.
librdf_query_results_as_streamGet a query result as an RDF graph in librdf_stream form
librdf_query_results_finishedFind out if binding results are exhausted.
librdf_query_results_get_binding_nameGet binding name for the current result.
librdf_query_results_get_bindings_countGet the number of bound variables in the result.
librdf_query_results_get_binding_valueGet one binding value for the current result.
librdf_query_results_get_binding_value_by_nameGet one binding value for a given name in the current result.
librdf_query_results_get_booleanGet boolean query result.
librdf_query_results_get_countGet number of bindings so far.
librdf_query_results_is_bindingsTest if librdf_query_results is variable bindings format.
librdf_query_results_is_booleanTest if librdf_query_results is boolean format.
librdf_query_results_is_graphTest if librdf_query_results is RDF graph format.
librdf_query_results_is_syntaxTest if librdf_query_results is a syntax.
librdf_query_results_nextMove to the next result.
librdf_query_results_to_file2Write a query results to a file.
librdf_query_results_to_string2Turn a query results into a string.
librdf_query_set_limitSet the query-specified limit on results.
librdf_query_set_offsetSet the query-specified offset on results.
librdf_serializer_check_nameCheck if a serializer name is known
librdf_serializer_get_featureGet the value of a serializer feature.
librdf_serializer_serialize_model_to_fileWrite a serialized librdf_model to a file.
librdf_serializer_serialize_model_to_stringWrite a serialized librdf_model to a string. The returned...
librdf_serializer_serialize_stream_to_fileWrite a librdf_stream to a file.
librdf_serializer_serialize_stream_to_stringWrite a librdf_stream to a string.
librdf_serializer_set_featureSet the value of a serializer feature.
librdf_serializer_set_namespaceSet a namespace URI/prefix mapping.
librdf_short_copyright_stringShort copyright string (one line).
librdf_short_copyright_string_getReturn Redland librdf copyright string
librdf_statement_equalsCheck if two statements are equal.
librdf_statement_get_objectGet the statement object.
librdf_statement_get_predicateGet the statement predicate.
librdf_statement_get_subjectGet the statement subject.
librdf_statement_is_completeCheck if statement is a complete and legal RDF triple.
librdf_statement_matchMatch a statement against a 'partial' statement.
librdf_statement_set_objectSet the statement object.
librdf_statement_set_predicateSet the statement predicate.
librdf_statement_set_subjectSet the statement subject.
librdf_stream_endTest if the stream has ended.
librdf_stream_get_objectGet the current librdf_statement in the stream.
librdf_stream_nextMove to the next librdf_statement in the stream.
librdf_uri_compareCompare two librdf_uri objects lexicographically.
librdf_uri_equalsCompare two librdf_uri objects for equality.
librdf_uri_to_stringFormat the URI as a string.
librdf_version_decimalLibrary full version as a decimal integer.
librdf_version_decimal_getReturn Redland librdf copyright
librdf_version_majorLibrary major version number as a decimal integer.
librdf_version_major_getReturn the Redland librdf major version number
librdf_version_minorLibrary minor version number as a decimal integer.
librdf_version_minor_getReturn the Redland librdf minor version number
librdf_version_releaseLibrary release version number as a decimal integer.
librdf_version_release_getReturn the Redland librdf release version number
librdf_version_stringLibrary full version as a string.
librdf_version_string_getReturn the Redland librdf version as a string.
librdf_world_get_featureGet the value of a world feature.
librdf_world_openOpen a created redland world environment.
librdf_world_set_featureSet the value of a world feature.
librdf_world_set_loggerSet the world log handling function.
mergeNamespace_rocletA custom Roxygen roclet that adds Redland RDF functions to...
Model-classA Redland Model object
Model-initializeConstructor for a Model object.
Node-classA Redland Node, used to store one node in an RDF triple...
Node-initializeInitialize a Node object.
parseFileIntoModelParse the contents of a file into a model
Parser-classAn RDF Parser object
Parser-initializeInitialize a Parser object.
Query-classQuery an RDF model
Query-initializeInitialize the Query object.
QueryResults-classA Redland QueryResults object is used to inspect query...
QueryResults-initializeInitialize the QueryResults object.
raptor_locator_byteGet the locator byte offset from locator.
raptor_locator_columnGet column number from locator
raptor_locator_fileGet file name from locator.
raptor_locator_lineGet line number from locator.
raptor_locator_uriGet URI from locator.
raptor_version_decimalRaptor version as a decimal number
raptor_version_decimal_getRaptor version as a decimal number.
raptor_version_majorRaptor library major version
raptor_version_major_getGet Raptor library major version
raptor_version_minorRaptor library minor version.
raptor_version_minor_getGet Raptor library minor version.
raptor_version_releaseRaptor library release.
raptor_version_release_getRaptor library release.
raptor_version_stringRaptor library version string.
raptor_version_string_getGet Raptor library version string.
rasqal_version_decimalRasqal version as a decimal number.
rasqal_version_decimal_getGet the Rasqal version as a decimal number.
rasqal_version_majorRasqal major version number.
rasqal_version_major_getGet Rasqal major version number.
rasqal_version_minorRasqal minor version number.
rasqal_version_minor_getGet the Rasqal minor version number.
rasqal_version_releaseRasqal release version number.
rasqal_version_release_getGet the Rasqal release version number.
rasqal_version_stringRasqal version as a string
rasqal_version_string_getGet the Rasqal version as a string
redlandCreate, query and write RDF graphs.
roclet_output.roclet_mergeNamespaceRoxygen output function that merges a base NAMESPACE file...
roclet_process.roclet_mergeNamespaceRoxygen process function for the 'mergeNamespace' roclet
Serializer-classAn RDF Serializer object.
Serializer-initializeConstruct a Serializer object.
serializeToCharacterSerialize a model to a character vector.
serializeToFileSerialize a model to a file.
setNameSpaceSet a namespace for the serializer.
setQueryResultsLimitSet limit on returned query results
Statement-classAn RDF Statement object
Statement-initializeConstruct a Statement object.
Storage-classA Redland Storage object
Storage-initializeInitialize a Storage object
sub-ExternalReference-methodSubset a list of ExternalReferences
subset-ExternalReference-methodAssign values in a list of ExternalReferences
World-classA Redland World object, used to initialize the Redland RDF...
World-initializeInitialize the World object.
writeResultsWrite query results to a file.
redland documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:02 a.m.