Man pages for refseqR
Common Computational Operations Working with RefSeq Entries (GenBank)

refseq_AAlenGet the amino acid length from a protein accession
refseq_AAlen_actionGet the amino acid length from a protein accession
refseq_AAmol_wtExtract the molecular weight from a protein accession
refseq_AAseqExtract the amino acid sequence into a Biostrings object
refseq_CDScoordsExtract the coding sequences (CDS) coordinates from a...
refseq_CDSseqExtract the CDS nucleotide sequence into a Biostrings object
refseq_descriptionGet the sequence Description
refseq_fromGeneGet the mRNA or protein accession
refseq_fromGene_actionGet the mRNA or protein accession
refseq_GeneIDGet the GeneID
refseq_geneSymbolGet the gene symbol
refseq_geneSymbol_actionGet the gene symbol
refseq_mRNAfeatGet mRNA features
refseq_protein2RNAGet the transcript accession from the protein accession
refseqRrefseqR: Common computational operations working with RefSeq
refseq_RNA2proteinGet the protein accession from the transcript accession
refseqR documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 5:34 p.m.