weaveR: function to weave a file

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Author(s) References See Also Examples

View source: R/weaveR.R


weaveR reads a file that is written according to the rules of the noweb system and performs a simple kind of weaving. As a result a LaTeX file is generated.





name of input file


name of output file; if missing the extension of the input file is turned to .tex


if FALSE the code will not be copied to the output file; if show.code == "echo": a code chunk will be excluded if its the name additionally contains the string echo=FALSE.


if FALSE the text will not be copied to the output file


if TRUE german umlaute will be replaced by TeX sequences


if TRUE \Sexpr-expressions and \Splot-expressions will be evaluated and replaced by the result(s)


General remarks: A noweb file consists of a mixture of text and code chunks. An @ character (in column 1 of a line) indicates the beginning of a text chunk. <<name of code chunk>>= (starting at column 1 of a line) is a header line of a code chunk with a name defined by the text between << and >>=. A code chunk is finished by the beginning of hte next text chunk. Within the code chunk you are allowed to use other code chunks by referencing them by name ( for example by: <<name of code chunk>> ). In this way you can separate a big job in smaller ones.

Technical remarks: To format small pieces of code in text chunks you have to put them in [[...]]-brackets: text text [[code]] text text. One occurence of such a code in a text line is assumed to work always. If an error emerges caused by formatting code in a text chunk simplify the line by splitting it. Sometimes you want to use [[- or even <<-characters in your text. Then it may be necessary to escape them by an @-sign and you have to type in: @<<, @[[ and so on.

weaveR expands the input by adding some latex macros to typeset code by a typewriter font. Furthermore chunk numbers are appended to code chunk headers together with some information showing where are code is used. If you want to suppress these hints you can include a line beginning with the string no.used.in.infos.

Hint for references: The number of the last code chunk is stored in LaTeX-counter Rchunkno. After defining \newcommand{\chunklabel}[1]{\newcounter{#1} \setcounter{#1}{\value{Rchunkno} } } and \newcommand{\chunkref}[1]{\arabic{#1} } you can label a code chunk by \chunklabel{xyzname} and reference it by \chunkref{xyzname} .

Chunk Index: The user will get a list of all the code chunks if a line is found containing @list.of.chunks. However, there must be a minimum number of two list entries. Otherwise no index is appended to the text.

Object Index: An index of the objects will be generated if a line is found with the string @index.of.objects. Object names consisting of one character are excluded from the search. However, you can define object names that should appear in the index by hand. This requires a line (or lines) in the document beginning with the string @index followed by the names of the objects that should appear in the index. This features is helpful if some objects are missing on the list or if a name of an object to be listed is of length 1 only. Bear in mind that the computation of the object index is time consuming. If you do not want an index computed automatically you can include a line with the string @index.reduced at the beginning of the line. Then the object index will contain the object names of the @index statements only.

In case \Sexpr statements should be evaluated the text is scanned and all \Sexpr statements are extracted and replaced by the values of the expressions. Furthermore, all \Splot statements are also searched. For each match the current plot of the current graphics device is copied into a postscript file and an \includegraphics LaTeX command is printed into the tex file. Within the brackets of \Splot the file name of the postscript file has to be specified. Separated by "," the height of the plot may be set. E.g. \Splot{pic1.ps,latexheight="5cm"} means that the name of the plot should be pic1.ps and the height of it should be 5 cm. In the same way arguments other arguments to be delivered to the postscript function may be added.


a latex file is generated


Hans Peter Wolf


by using noweb is an alternative approach, see: http://www.eecs.harvard.edu/~nr/noweb/intro.html

See Also



## Not run: 
## This example cannot be run by examples() but should be work 
## in an interactive R session

## End(Not run)
## The function is currently defined as
  # german documentation of the code:
  # look for file webR.pdf, P. Wolf 050204

relax documentation built on May 30, 2017, 6:30 a.m.

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