Man pages for relevance
Calculate Relevance and Significance Measures

asinparc sine Transformation
confintFConfidence Interval for the Non-Central F and Chisquare...
correlationCorrelation with Relevance and Significance Measures
d.blastBlasting for a tunnel
d.everestData of an 'anchoring' experiment in psychology
d.negposChoiceData of an 'anchoring' experiment in psychology
d.osc15Data from the OSC15 replication study
d.osc15OnesampleData from the OSC15 replication study, one sample tests
drop1WaldDrop Single Terms of a Model and Calculate Respective Wald...
dropdataDrop Observations from a Data.frame
dropNAdrop or replace NA values
formatNAPrint NA values by a Desired Code
getcoeftableExtract Components of a Fit
inferenceCalculate Confidence Intervals and Relevance and Significance...
lastLast Elements of a Vector or of a Matrix
logstStarted Logarithmic Transformation
plconfintPlot Confidence Intervals
plot.inferencePlot Inference Results
print.inferencePrint Tables with Inference Measures
relevance-internalInternal objects of package relevance
relevance.optionsOptions for the relevnance Package
relevance-packageCalculate Relevance and Significance Measures
replicationInference for Replication Studies
rlvClassRelevance Class
rplClassReproducibility Class
shortenstringShorten Strings
showdShow a Part of a Data.frame
sumNACount NAs
termeffectsAll Coefficients of a Model Fit
termtableStatistics for Linear Models, Including Relevance Statistics
twosamplesRelevance and Significance for One or Two Samples
relevance documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:29 a.m.