lemmy_list_registration_applications: List the registration applications.

View source: R/http-methods.R

lemmy_list_registration_applicationsR Documentation

List the registration applications.


HTTP.GET /admin/registration_application/list


  unread_only = NULL,
  page = NULL,
  limit = NULL,
  .lemmy_instance = getOption("lemmy_instance", "https://lemmy.world")



(Optional) A logical value.


(Optional) A numeric value.


(Optional) A numeric value.


A character value.


Default: "https://lemmy.world". Change the default instance by setting the lemmy_instance options().


A list of length 1:

`-registration_applications: <list>
  `-[Each element]: <list>
    |-registration_application: <list>
    | |-id: A numeric value
    | |-local_user_id: A numeric value
    | |-answer: A character value
    | |-admin_id: (Optional) A numeric value
    | |-deny_reason: (Optional) A character value
    | `-published: A character value
    |-creator_local_user: <list>
    | |-id: A numeric value
    | |-person_id: A numeric value
    | |-email: (Optional) A character value
    | |-show_nsfw: A logical value
    | |-theme: A character value
    | |-default_sort_type: One of "Active", "Hot", "New", "...
    | |-default_listing_type: One of "All", "Local", or "Subsc...
    | |-interface_language: A character value
    | |-show_avatars: A logical value
    | |-send_notifications_to_email: A logical value
    | |-validator_time: A character value
    | |-show_scores: A logical value
    | |-show_bot_accounts: A logical value
    | |-show_read_posts: A logical value
    | |-show_new_post_notifs: A logical value
    | |-email_verified: A logical value
    | |-accepted_application: A logical value
    | |-totp_2fa_url: (Optional) A character value
    | `-open_links_in_new_tab: A logical value
    |-creator: <list>
    | |-id: A numeric value
    | |-name: A character value
    | |-display_name: (Optional) A character value
    | |-avatar: (Optional) A character value
    | |-banned: A logical value
    | |-published: A character value
    | |-updated: (Optional) A character value
    | |-actor_id: A character value
    | |-bio: (Optional) A character value
    | |-local: A logical value
    | |-banner: (Optional) A character value
    | |-deleted: A logical value
    | |-inbox_url: A character value
    | |-matrix_user_id: (Optional) A character value
    | |-admin: A logical value
    | |-bot_account: A logical value
    | |-ban_expires: (Optional) A character value
    | `-instance_id: A numeric value
    `-admin: <list>
      |-id: A numeric value
      |-name: A character value
      |-display_name: (Optional) A character value
      |-avatar: (Optional) A character value
      |-banned: A logical value
      |-published: A character value
      |-updated: (Optional) A character value
      |-actor_id: A character value
      |-bio: (Optional) A character value
      |-local: A logical value
      |-banner: (Optional) A character value
      |-deleted: A logical value
      |-inbox_url: A character value
      |-matrix_user_id: (Optional) A character value
      |-admin: A logical value
      |-bot_account: A logical value
      |-ban_expires: (Optional) A character value
      `-instance_id: A numeric value

remmy documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:37 p.m.