rrankSend: rrankSend

View source: R/effects.R

rrankSendR Documentation



Specifies the statistic for a recency rank send effect in the effects argument of tomstats or the receiver_effects argument of aomstats.


rrankSend(consider_type = TRUE)



logical, indicates whether to discriminate between event types in determining the event rank (TRUE, default) or not (FALSE).


The rrankSend effect refers to a rank-based recency effect, as described in section 2.2.5 of Butts (2008). For each timepoint t, for directed dyad (i,j) the statistic is equal to the inverse of the rank of receiver j among the actors to which sender i has most recently send past events. Note that the 'rrankSend' effect is only defined for directed events.


List with all information required by 'remstats::remstats()' to compute the statistic.

See Also

rrankReceive, recencySendSender, recencySendReceiver, recencyReceiveSender, recencyReceiveReceiver and recencyContinue for other type of recency effects


reh_tie <- remify::remify(history, model = "tie")
effects <- ~ rrankSend()
remstats(tie_effects = effects, reh = reh_tie)

reh_actor <- remify::remify(history, model = "actor")
remstats(receiver_effects = effects, reh = reh_actor)

remstats documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:21 a.m.