
Defines functions combine_stats compute_stats_tie calculate_inertia convert_to_risksetMatrix get_riskset compute_stats_receiver compute_stats_sender

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compute_stats_sender <- function(effects, edgelist, actors, weights, covariates, interactions, memory, memory_value, scaling, start, stop, method, display_progress) {
    .Call(`_remstats_compute_stats_sender`, effects, edgelist, actors, weights, covariates, interactions, memory, memory_value, scaling, start, stop, method, display_progress)

compute_stats_receiver <- function(effects, edgelist, actors, weights, covariates, interactions, memory, memory_value, scaling, start, stop, method, display_progress) {
    .Call(`_remstats_compute_stats_receiver`, effects, edgelist, actors, weights, covariates, interactions, memory, memory_value, scaling, start, stop, method, display_progress)

get_riskset <- function(actorID, typeID, directed) {
    .Call(`_remstats_get_riskset`, actorID, typeID, directed)

convert_to_risksetMatrix <- function(riskset, N, C) {
    .Call(`_remstats_convert_to_risksetMatrix`, riskset, N, C)

calculate_inertia <- function(edgelist, weights, risksetMatrix, memory, memory_value, start, stop, display_progress, method) {
    .Call(`_remstats_calculate_inertia`, edgelist, weights, risksetMatrix, memory, memory_value, start, stop, display_progress, method)

compute_stats_tie <- function(effects, edgelist, riskset, risksetMatrix, inertia, covariates, interactions, memory, memory_value, scaling, consider_type, start, stop, directed, display_progress, method) {
    .Call(`_remstats_compute_stats_tie`, effects, edgelist, riskset, risksetMatrix, inertia, covariates, interactions, memory, memory_value, scaling, consider_type, start, stop, directed, display_progress, method)

combine_stats <- function(array_list, keep_list) {
    .Call(`_remstats_combine_stats`, array_list, keep_list)

# Register entry points for exported C++ functions
methods::setLoadAction(function(ns) {

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remstats documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:21 a.m.