Man pages for repmod
Create Report Table from Different Objects

coefplotPlot of the coefficients of a model
make_csv_tableExport a table to excel
make_latex_tableExport a table to latex
make_tableMake a table from report
make_word_tableExport a table to word
matrixPasteAuxiliary matrix paste function
plot.reportmodelCoefplot for reportmodel objects
reportGeneric function for creating reporting tables
report.betaregReport from beta regression model
report.brmsfitReport models from brms package
report.clmReport from ordinal model
report.clmmReport from ordinal mixed model
report.coxphReport from cox regression model tables of summary data
report.defaultDefault function for report
report.factorReport from categorical variable
report.glmReport from generalized linear model
report.glmerModReport from generalized linear mixed model
report.glmmadmbReport from generalized linear mixed model from ADMB
report.glmnetReport models from glmnet package
report.lmReport from linear model
report.lmerModReport from linear mixed model
report.lqmmReport from quantile mixed model
report.merModLmerTestReport from linear mixed model with pvalues
report.numericReport from numeric variable
report.rlmReport from robust linear model (rlm)
report.rqReport from quantile regression model
rob.ciFunction to compute bootstrap confidence intervals for robust...
rob.pvalsFunction to compute p-values for robust linear regression...
set_nomsSet header names for word tables
VarCorrGeneric VarCorr function
repmod documentation built on March 22, 2021, 5:08 p.m.