#' Install dependencies of reports within
#' This function can be used to install package dependencies based on the
#' reports within the factory.
#' @inheritParams compile_reports
#' @param update A logical indicating if packages which are already installed
#' should be re-installed (`TRUE`); otherwise, only missing packages are
#' installed; defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @param ... Arguments to be passed to `install.packages()`.
#' @return Invisble NULL (called for side effects only).
#' @seealso `list_deps()` to list dependencies of packages
#' @export
install_deps <- function(factory = ".", update = FALSE, ...) {
pkg_to_install <- list_deps(factory = factory, missing = !update)
if (length(pkg_to_install)){
utils::install.packages(pkg_to_install, ...)
} else {
message("All packages needed are already installed.")
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