Man pages for repurrrsive
Examples of Recursive Lists and Nested or Split Data Frames

discogSharla Gelfand's music collection
discog_jsonPath to Discogs data as JSON
gap_simpleGapminder data frame in various forms
gh_reposGitHub repos
gh_usersGitHub users
gh_users_jsonPaths to GitHub data as JSON and XML
gmaps_citiesGeocoded cities from Google Maps
got_charsGame of Thrones POV characters
got_chars_jsonPaths to Game of Thrones data as JSON and XML
repurrrsive-packagerepurrrsive: Examples of Recursive Lists and Nested or Split...
sw_peopleEntities from the Star Wars Universe
wesandersonColor palettes from Wes Anderson movies
wesanderson_jsonPath to wesanderson JSON and XML
repurrrsive documentation built on Dec. 28, 2022, 2:34 a.m.