## ---- include = FALSE---------------------------------------------------------
collapse = TRUE,
comment = "#>"#,
#fig.path = "advanced_vig/"
options(rmarkdown.html_vignette.check_title = FALSE)
## ---- eval = TRUE, results= 'hide', message=FALSE-----------------------------
#devtools::install_github("maeveupton/reslr",force = TRUE,INSTALL_opts = '--no-lock')
## ----exampledataset2_adv,eval = TRUE------------------------------------------
# For 1 site
CedarIslandNC <- NAACproxydata[NAACproxydata$Site == "Cedar Island",]
## ---- loadigp_adv,eval = TRUE, message=FALSE,results='hide'-------------------
CedarIslandNC_input_detrend <- reslr_load(
data = CedarIslandNC,
include_tide_gauge = FALSE,
include_linear_rate = TRUE,
TG_minimum_dist_proxy = FALSE,
list_preferred_TGs = NULL,
all_TG_1deg = FALSE,
prediction_grid_res = 50,
sediment_average_TG = 10,
detrend_data = TRUE,
core_col_year = 2010
## ----dataigp_adv,eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------
# data <- CedarIslandNC_input_detrend$data
## ----datagridigp_adv, eval = FALSE--------------------------------------------
# data_grid <- CedarIslandNC_input_detrend$data_grid
## ----printigp_adv, eval=TRUE--------------------------------------------------
## ---- plotigpdata_adv,fig.align = 'center',fig.width = 7,fig.height = 5,eval = TRUE----
x = CedarIslandNC_input_detrend,
title = "Plot of the raw detrended data",
xlab = "Year (CE)",
ylab = "Sea Level (m)",
plot_proxy_records = TRUE,
plot_tide_gauges = FALSE
## ----runigp_adv,echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE, message=FALSE,results='hide'-------
# res_eiv_igp_t_detrend <- reslr_mcmc(
# input_data = CedarIslandNC_input_detrend,
# model_type = "eiv_igp_t",
# CI = 0.95
# )
## ----printigpout_adv, eval=FALSE----------------------------------------------
# print(res_eiv_igp_t_detrend)
## ----summaryigp_adv, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------
# summary(res_eiv_igp_t_detrend)
## ----runigpmore_adv, echo = TRUE, eval = FALSE--------------------------------
# res_eiv_igp_t_detrend <- reslr_mcmc(
# input_data = CedarIslandNC_input_detrend,
# model_type = "eiv_igp_t",
# # Update these values
# n_iterations = 6000, # Number of iterations
# n_burnin = 1000, # Number of iterations to discard at the beginning
# n_thin = 4, # Reduces number of output samples to save memory and computation time
# n_chains = 3 # Number of Markov chains
# )
## ----plotigpres_adv,echo = TRUE, fig.align = 'center',fig.width = 7,fig.height = 5,eval = FALSE----
# plot(res_eiv_igp_t_detrend,
# plot_type = "model_fit_plot",
# xlab = "Year (CE)",
# ylab = "Sea Level (m)",
# plot_proxy_records = TRUE,
# plot_tide_gauges = FALSE
# )
## ----plotigpresload_adv, eval = TRUE,echo=FALSE, fig.align = 'center',out.width="100%"----
url <- ""
## ----plotigpresrate_adv,echo = TRUE, fig.align = 'center',fig.width = 7,fig.height = 5,eval = FALSE----
# plot(res_eiv_igp_t_detrend,
# plot_type = "rate_plot",
# xlab = "Year (CE)",
# y_rate_lab = "Rate of Change (mm per year)"
# )
## ----plotigpresrateload_adv, eval = TRUE,echo=FALSE, fig.align = 'center',out.width="100%"----
url <- ""
## ----igpdataout_adv, eval = FALSE---------------------------------------------
# output_dataframes <- res_eiv_igp_t_detrend$output_dataframes
## ---- loadBP_adv,eval = FALSE, message=FALSE,results='hide'-------------------
# CedarIslandNC_input_age_BP <- reslr_load(
# data = data_age_bp,
# input_age_type = "BP"
# )
## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
# # For 2 site
# multi_site <- NAACproxydata[NAACproxydata$Site %in% c("Cedar Island", "Nassau"),]
## ---- eval = FALSE, message=FALSE,results='hide'------------------------------
# multi_site <- reslr_load(
# data = multi_site,
# include_tide_gauge = TRUE,
# include_linear_rate = TRUE,
# TG_minimum_dist_proxy = FALSE,
# # There is no limit to the number of tide gauges provided in the list
# list_preferred_TGs = c(
# ),
# all_TG_1deg = FALSE,
# prediction_grid_res = 50,
# sediment_average_TG = 10
# )
## ----fig.align = 'center',fig.width = 7,fig.height = 5,eval = FALSE-----------
# plot(
# x = multi_site,
# title = "Plot of the raw data",
# xlab = "Year (CE)",
# ylab = "Relative Sea Level (m)",
# plot_tide_gauges = TRUE,
# plot_proxy_records = TRUE,
# plot_caption = TRUE
# )
## ---- eval = FALSE, message=FALSE,results='hide'------------------------------
# multi_site <- reslr_load(
# data = multi_site,
# include_tide_gauge = TRUE,
# include_linear_rate = TRUE,
# TG_minimum_dist_proxy = FALSE,
# list_preferred_TGs = NULL,
# all_TG_1deg = TRUE,
# prediction_grid_res = 50
# )
## ----fig.align = 'center',fig.width = 7,fig.height = 5,eval = FALSE-----------
# plot(
# x = multi_site,
# title = "Plot of the raw data",
# xlab = "Year (CE)",
# ylab = "Relative Sea Level (m)",
# plot_tide_gauges = TRUE,
# plot_proxy_records = TRUE,
# plot_caption = TRUE
# )
## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
# # Example
# final_plots <- plot(x = reslr_mcmc(CedarIslandNC, model_type = "ni_spline_t"))
# final_plots$plot_result
# # Adding new title to the total model fit plot
# final_plots$plot_result + ggplot2::ggtitle("New Title Added as Example")
# final_plots$plot_result + ggplot2::xlab("New x axis label Added as Example")
# final_plots$plot_result + ggplot2::ylab("New y axis label Added as Example")
## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
# data <- CedarIslandNC_input_detrend$data
## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
# data <- res_eiv_igp_t_detrend$output_dataframes
## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
# # Example
# CedarIslandNC_input <- reslr_load(
# data = CedarIslandNC)
# res_eiv_slr_t <-
# reslr_mcmc(CedarIslandNC_input,
# model_type = "eiv_slr_t")
# # Accessing the slope of the EIV simple linear regression
# beta <- res_eiv_slr_t$noisy_model_run_output$BUGSoutput$sims.list$beta
## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
# res_ni_sp_t <-
# reslr_mcmc(CedarIslandNC_input,
# model_type = "ni_spline_t",
# spline_nseg = NULL)
## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
# res_ni_sp_t <-
# reslr_mcmc(CedarIslandNC_input,
# model_type = "ni_spline_st",
# spline_nseg = NULL)
## ---- eval = FALSE------------------------------------------------------------
# res_ni_sp_t <-
# reslr_mcmc(CedarIslandNC_input,
# model_type = "ni_gam_decomp",
# spline_nseg_t = 20,
# spline_nseg_st = 6)
## ----cv_adv,eval = TRUE,message=FALSE,results='hide'--------------------------
data1site_example <- NAACproxydata[NAACproxydata$Site == "Cedar Island",]
# Cross Validation test
cv <- cross_val_check(data = data1site_example,
model_type ="ni_spline_t",
n_iterations = 1000,
n_burnin = 100,
n_thin = 5,
n_chains = 2,
spline_nseg = NULL,# User the package to calculate the number of knots
# n_fold allows the user to alter the cross validation, i.e. 3, 5, 10 fold
n_fold = 3,
#To reproducible results,seed stores the output of the random selection
seed = NULL,
CI = 0.95)# Size of the credible intervals and prediction intervals
## ----cvpredplot_adv,eval = TRUE-----------------------------------------------
## ----cvdf_adv,eval = FALSE----------------------------------------------------
# CV_model_df <- cv$CV_model_df
## ----coverage_adv,eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------------
# Overall coverage
total_empirical_coverage <- cv$total_coverage
# Coverage by site
coverage_by_site <- cv$coverage_by_site
# Size of the prediction intervals
prediction_interval_size <- cv$prediction_interval_size
## ----rmse_adv,eval = TRUE-----------------------------------------------------
# Overall
ME_MAE_RSME_overall <- cv$ME_MAE_RSME_overall
# By fold and site
ME_MAE_RSME_fold_site <- cv$ME_MAE_RSME_fold_site
# By site
ME_MAE_RSME_site <- cv$ME_MAE_RSME_site
# By fold
ME_MAE_RSME_fold <- cv$ME_MAE_RSME_fold
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