Man pages for restriktor
Restricted Statistical Estimation and Inference for Linear Models

AngerManagementReduction of aggression levels Dataset (4 treatment groups)
bootstrapDBootstrapping a Lavaan Model
BurnsRelation between the response variable PTSS and gender, age,...
ConTestCone-sided t-test for iht
conTest_ceqTests for iht with equality constraints only
conTestFF-bar test for iht
ConTestLRTLikelihood-ratio-bar test for iht
conTest_methodsMethods for iht
ConTestScoreScore-bar test for iht
conTest_summaryfunction for computing all available hypothesis tests
ConTestWaldWald-bar test for robust iht
evSynGORIC(A) Evidence synthesis
ExamRelation between exam scores and study hours, anxiety scores...
FacialBurnsDataset for illustrating the conTest_conLavaan function.
goricGeneralized Order-Restricted Information Criterion...
HurricanesThe Hurricanes Dataset
ihtfunction for informative hypothesis testing (iht)
mixingWeightsfunction for computing the chi-bar-square weights based on...
myGORICsAn example of IC values
myLLsAn example of log likelihood (LL) values
myPTsAn example of penalty (PT) values
restriktorEstimating linear regression models with (in)equality...
restriktor_methodsMethods for restriktor
restriktor-packagePackage for equality and inequality restricted estimation,...
ZelazoKolb1972"Walking" in the newborn (4 treatment groups)
restriktor documentation built on Oct. 4, 2023, 9:13 a.m.