integralDivision: Integral division of two polynomials

View source: R/integralDivision.R

integralDivisionR Documentation

Integral division of two polynomials


Integral division (division without remainder) of two polynomials with rational coefficients.


integralDivision(qspray1, qspray2, check = TRUE)


qspray1, qspray2

two qspray polynomials having at most nine variables


Boolean, whether to check that qspray2 divides qspray1


If check=TRUE, this returns NULL if qspray2 does not divide qspray1, otherwise this returns a qspray polynomial, the quotient of qspray1 by qspray2. If check=FALSE, this always returns a qspray polynomial, which is the quotient of qspray1 by qspray2 if qspray2 divides qspray1, otherwise it is an undefined polynomial. So you can use check=FALSE only when you are sure that qspray2 divides qspray1.

See Also

univariateDivision, qsprayDivision.


x <- qlone(1)
y <- qlone(2)
q <- x^2 + 2*x*y + 1
qspray1 <- q * (x^4 + y^2 + 2)
qspray2 <- x^4 + y^2 + 2
integralDivision(qspray1, qspray2) == q # should be TRUE

resultant documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:01 p.m.