univariate_table_example: Univariate frequency table example

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In 2011, a Nepal Living Standards Survey provided multiple censored freqency tables containing household size (percent). Here we show the urban household size table.

univariatetable.csv is a preloaded example that is correctly formatted for the revengc package. Below shows how a user should read in a csv file to have the same format:

univariatetable.csv<-read.csv("filename.csv", row.names = NULL, header= FALSE, check.names=FALSE)




National Planning Commissions Secretariat, Government of Nepal. (2011). Nepal Living Standards Survey. Page 28. Retrieved from: http://siteresources.worldbank.org/INTLSMS/Resources/3358986-1181743055198/3877319-1329489437402/Statistical_Report_Vol1.pdf

revengc documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:43 a.m.