Man pages for rfars
Download and Analyze Crash Data

alcohol(Internal) Find crashes involving alcohol
appendRDS(Internal) Append RDS files
auto_label_unlabeled_values(Internal) Label unlabelled values in imported SAS files
bicyclist(Internal) Find crashes involving bicyclists
compare_countsCompare counts
countsGenerate counts
distracted_driver(Internal) Find crashes involving distracted drivers
download_fars(Internal) Download FARS data files
download_gescrss(Internal) Download GES/CRSS data files
driver_age(Internal) Find crashes involving drivers of a given age
drugs(Internal) Find crashes involving drugs
fars_codebookFARS Codebook
geo_relationsSynonym table for various geographical scales
gescrss_codebookGESCRSS Codebook
get_farsGet FARS data
get_gescrssGet GES/CRSS data
hit_and_run(Internal) Find hit and run crashes
import_multi(Internal) Import the multi_ files
large_trucks(Internal) Find crashes involving large trucks
make_all_numeric(Internal) Make id and year numeric
make_id(Internal) Generate an ID variable
motorcycle(Internal) Find crashes involving motorcycles
pedalcyclist(Internal) Find crashes involving pedalcyclists
pedbike(Internal) Find crashes involving pedstrians or bicyclists
pedestrian(Internal) Find crashes involving pedestrians
pipePipe operator
police_pursuit(Internal) Find crashes involving police pursuits
prep_farsPrepare downloaded FARS files for use
prep_gescrssPrepare downloaded GES/CRSS files for use
read_basic_sas(Internal) Takes care of basic SAS file reading
read_basic_sas_nocat(Internal) Takes care of basic SAS file reading when the bcat...
road_depart(Internal) Find crashes involving road departures
rollover(Internal) Find crashes involving rollovers
speeding(Internal) Find crashes involving speeding
use_fars(Internal) Use FARS data files
use_gescrss(Internal) Use GESCRSS data files
use_imp(Internal) use_imp
validate_states(Internal) Validate user-provided list of states
rfars documentation built on June 22, 2024, 11:42 a.m.