ch01: Print examples of chapter 1 of 'R for Dummies'.

View source: R/chapters-auto.R

ch01R Documentation

Print examples of chapter 1 of 'R for Dummies'.


To print a listing of all examples of a chapter, use ch1(). To run all the examples of ch1(), use example(ch1).




See Also


Other Chapters: ch02(), ch03(), ch04(), ch05(), ch06(), ch07(), ch08(), ch09(), ch10(), ch11(), ch12(), ch13(), ch14(), ch15(), ch16(), ch17(), ch18(), ch19(), ch20()


if (interactive()) {
# Chapter 1 - Introducing R: The Big Picture

# Recognizing the Benefits of Using R

## It comes as free, open-source code

### It runs anywhere

### It supports extensions

### It provides an engaged community

### It connects with other languages

# Looking At Some of the Unique Features of R

## Performing multiple calculations with vectors

x <- 1:5
x + 2
x + 6:10

## Processing more than just statistics

## Running code without a compiler


rfordummies documentation built on March 18, 2022, 6:04 p.m.