ggobi-check-structs-qq: Check structs

Description Usage Details Value Author(s)


Validates GGobi and Rggobi views of internal data structures




This function is called when the Rggobi library is loaded and it verifies that the sizes of the different internal data structures for GGobi are the same for both the GGobi shared library/DLL and the Rggobi package. This is important as the two shared libraries are compiled separately and may have different compilation flags, etc. that make them incompatible. This function simply compares the sizes of the two views of the structures and raises a warning if they do not agree.

Essentially, you should never notice this function. A warning implies that you need to re-install Rggobi against the version of GGobi you are using.

@value TRUE if the sizes in the two libraries are the same, otherwise a named logical vector indicating which structures are different


TRUE if the sizes in the two libraries are the same, otherwise a named logical vector indicating which structures are different


Hadley Wickham <>

rggobi documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:41 a.m.