rheroicon: An inline SVG icon from Heroicons

View source: R/rheroicon.R

rheroiconR Documentation

An inline SVG icon from Heroicons


Render an icon by name. Run 'launch_gallery' to view all available icons or search for icons using the 'find_icons' function.


rheroicon(name = NULL, type = "outline", class = NULL)



string containing the name of an icon


render icon by style; either 'solid', 'outline', or 'mini' (default: 'outline')


a string containing one or more 'CSS' classes (optional)


An string containing the 'SVG' markup of an icon

Styling Icons with 'CSS' class names

Icons are rendered from 'SVG' strings. All icons have three 'CSS' classes defined: global, icon style, and icon name.


All icons are returned with the 'CSS' class 'rheroicons'

icon style

All icons have a solid and an outlined version. The icon style 'CSS' class is determined by the value entered for 'type'. Icons can have 'rheroicons-outline', 'rheroicons-solid', or 'rheroicons-mini'.

icon name

The icon name is also passed into the list of 'CSS' class. These are always structured in the following format: 'rheroicons-icon'. If the icon is 'hand-thumb-down', the 'CSS' class would be 'rheroicons-hand-thumb-down'.

Use any of combination of these classes to style icons via 'CSS'. In addition, you apply your own 'CSS' classes using the 'class' argument.


https://heroicons.com https://github.com/tailwindlabs/heroicons


rheroicon(name = "face-smile")
rheroicon(name = "face-smile", type = "solid")
rheroicon(name = "face-smile", class = "my-icon-set")

rheroicons documentation built on Oct. 30, 2022, 5:05 p.m.