Man pages for rigr
Regression, Inference, and General Data Analysis Tools in R

cooks.distance.uRegressCalculate Cook's distances from 'uRegress' objects
descripDescriptive Statistics
dfbetas.uRegressCalculate dfbetas from 'uRegress' objects
dfbeta.uRegressCalculate dfbeta from 'uRegress' objects
dummyCreate Dummy Variables
fevFEV dataset
hatvalues.uRegressCalculate the hat-values (leverages) from 'uRegress' objects
lincomTests of Linear Combinations of Regression Coefficients
mriMRI dataset
polynomialCreate Polynomials
predict.uRegressPrediction Intervals for 'uRegress' objects
proptestTest of proportions with improved layout
proptestiTest of proportions from summary statistics
psaPSA dataset
regressGeneral Regression for an Arbitrary Functional
residuals.uRegressExtract Residuals from 'uRegress' objects
rigr-packageRegression, Inference, and General Data Analysis Tools in R
rstandard.uRegressExtract standardized residuals from 'uRegress' objects
rstudent.uRegressExtract Studentized residuals from 'uRegress' objects
salarySalary dataset
ttestT-test with Improved Layout
ttestiT-test Given Summary Statistics with Improved Layout
UCreate a Partial Formula
wilcoxonWilcoxon Signed Rank and Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test
rigr documentation built on Sept. 7, 2022, 1:05 a.m.