Man pages for riskCommunicator
G-Computation to Estimate Interpretable Epidemiological Effects

cvddA subset of the 'framingham' teaching data
framinghamThe 'framingham' data set
gCompEstimate difference and ratio effects with 95% confidence...
get_results_dataframeTake predicted dataframe and calculate the outcome (risk...
make_predict_dfUsing 'glm' results, predict outcomes for each individual at...
plot.gCompPlot estimates of difference and ratio effects obtained in...
pointEstimatePerform g-computation to estimate difference and ratio...
print.gCompPrint estimates of difference and ratio effects obtained in...
riskCommunicatorriskCommunicator: Obtaining interpretable epidemiological...
summary.gCompPrint a summary of a gComp class object.
riskCommunicator documentation built on June 1, 2022, 1:07 a.m.