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\thispagestyle{empty} \today

Editor The R Journal \bigskip

Dear Professor Cook, \bigskip

Please consider our article titled "ToOoOlTiPs: An R Package for Customizable Tooltips in Interactive Graphics" for publication in the R Journal.

The manuscript introduces the new package called ToOoOlTiPs which provides examples on how to use interactive graphics in journal articles, and general tips for making an interesting contribution.

We believe the readers of the R Journal will find this article helpful for their work because it provides generally useful instructions that will work for many purposes.

\bigskip \bigskip


Quietest Quokka Department of Letter Q University of Little Mates Somewhere, Australia


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  1. It may be invisible to you, so be aware that after each address line there are two spaces, this makes the line break correctly.
  2. It is also reasonable to submit an .md format of your motivating letter instead of a pdf.

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