search_networks: Query networks

View source: R/search_networks.R

search_networksR Documentation

Query networks


Search over all networks using a keyword, a custom query or a spatial object If the query is a character string, then all character columns in the table are searched and the entries for which at least one partial match was found are returned. Alternatively, a named list can be used to look for an exact match in a specific column (see Details section)


search_networks(query, verbose = TRUE, ...)

search_networks_sf(query_sf, verbose = TRUE, ...)



either a character string including a single keyword or a named list containing a custom query (see details section below), or a spatial object (see the description of query_sf). Note that if an empty character string is passed, then all datasets available are returned.


a logical. Should extra information be reported on progress?


further arguments to be passed to httr::GET().


a spatial object of class sf used to search in a specific geographical area.


Names of the list should match one of the column names within the table. For the networks table, those are

  • id: unique identifier of the network;

  • all_interactions: false interaction can be considered as real false interaction

  • dataset_id: the identifier of the dataset;

  • public: network publicly available;

Note that for lists with more than one element, only the first element is used, the others are ignored. An example is provided below.


An object of class mgSearchNetworks, which is a data.frame object with all networks informations


  • search_networks_sf(): Search networks within a spatial object passed as an argument. Note that sf must be installed to use this function.



mg_insect <- search_networks(query = "insect%")
# Retrieve the search results
nets_insect <- get_collection(mg_insect)
# Spatial query
if (requireNamespace("sf", quietly = TRUE)) {
 area <- sf::st_read(system.file("shape/nc.shp", package="sf"))
 networks_in_area <- search_networks_sf(area, verbose = FALSE)
} else warning("Package sf is missing")
# Retrieve network ID 5013
net_5013 <- search_networks(query = list(id = 5013))
# Network(s) of dataset ID 19
mg_19 <- search_networks(list(dataset_id = 19))

rmangal documentation built on March 31, 2023, 10:27 p.m.