Man pages for rmargint
Robust Marginal Integration Procedures

deviance.margintDeviance for objects of class 'margint'
fitted.values.margintFitted values for objects of class 'margint'
formula.margintAdditive model formula
k.epanEpanechnikov kernel
kernel10Order 10 kernel
kernel4Order 4 kernel
kernel6Order 6 kernel
kernel8Order 8 kernel
margint.clClassic marginal integration procedures for additive models
margint.robRobust marginal integration procedures for additive models
my.norm.2Euclidean norm of a vector
plot.margintDiagnostic plots for objects of class 'margint'
predict.margintFitted values for objects of class 'margint'
print.margintPrint a Marginal Integration procedure
psi.huberDerivative of Huber's loss function.
psi.tukeyDerivative of Tukey's bi-square loss function.
residuals.margintResiduals for objects of class 'margint'
rmargint-packageRobust marginal integration estimators for additive models.
summary.margintSummary for additive models fits using a marginal integration...
rmargint documentation built on Oct. 24, 2023, 1:06 a.m.