merge_knn: Merge multiple approximate nearest neighbors graphs

View source: R/rnndescent.R

merge_knnR Documentation

Merge multiple approximate nearest neighbors graphs


merge_knn takes a list of nearest neighbor graphs and merges them into a single graph, with the same number of neighbors as the first graph. This is useful to combine the results of multiple different nearest neighbor searches: the output will be at least as accurate as the most accurate of the two input graphs, and ideally will be more accurate than either.


merge_knn(graphs, is_query = FALSE, n_threads = 0, verbose = FALSE)



A list of nearest neighbor graphs to merge. Each item in the list should consist of a sub-list containing:

  • idx an n by k matrix containing the k nearest neighbor indices.

  • dist an n by k matrix containing k nearest neighbor distances. The number of neighbors can differ between graphs, but the merged result will have the same number of neighbors as the first graph in the list.


If TRUE then the graphs are treated as the result of a knn query, not a knn building process. Or: is the graph bipartite? This should be set to TRUE if nn_graphs are the results of using e.g. graph_knn_query() or random_knn_query(), and set to FALSE if these are the results of nnd_knn() or random_knn(). The difference is that if is_query = FALSE, if an index p is found in nn_graph1[i, ], i.e. p is a neighbor of i with distance d, then it is assumed that i is a neighbor of p with the same distance. If is_query = TRUE, then i and p are indexes into two different datasets and the symmetry does not hold. If you aren't sure what case applies to you, it's safe (but potentially inefficient) to set is_query = TRUE.


Number of threads to use.


If TRUE, log information to the console.


a list containing:

  • idx an n by k matrix containing the merged nearest neighbor indices.

  • dist an n by k matrix containing the merged nearest neighbor distances.

The size of k in the output graph is the same as that of the first item in nn_graphs.


# Nearest neighbor descent with 15 neighbors for iris three times,
# starting from a different random initialization each time
iris_rnn1 <- nnd_knn(iris, k = 15, n_iters = 1)
iris_rnn2 <- nnd_knn(iris, k = 15, n_iters = 1)
iris_rnn3 <- nnd_knn(iris, k = 15, n_iters = 1)

# Merged results should be an improvement over individual results
iris_mnn <- merge_knn(list(iris_rnn1, iris_rnn2, iris_rnn3))
sum(iris_mnn$dist) < sum(iris_rnn1$dist)
sum(iris_mnn$dist) < sum(iris_rnn2$dist)
sum(iris_mnn$dist) < sum(iris_rnn3$dist)

rnndescent documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:38 a.m.