find_eta: The proportionality constant eta of the t-MLE for scatter

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find_etaR Documentation

The proportionality constant η of the t-MLE for scatter


The proportionality constant η of the t-MLE for scatter


find_eta(df_data, df_est, p)



A positive real number or Inf. The degrees of freedom of the data-generationg t-distribution. Inf means normal distribution.


A positive real number or Inf. The degrees of freedom of the t-distribution the M-estimator is derived from. Inf is the usual sample covariance (i.e. the MLE under normality).


An integer, at least 2.


Let X_1,...,X_n be an i.i.d.\ sample from t_{ν,p}(μ, S), i.e., a p-variate t-distribution with ν degrees of freedom, location parameter μ and shape matrix S. The limit case ν=∞ is allowed, where t_{∞,p}(μ,S) is N_p(μ,S).

Let \hat{S}_n be the t_m MLE for scatter. Also here, m=∞ is allowed: This is the sample covariance matrix. If \hat{S}_n is applied to X_1,...,X_n, then, as n \to ∞, \hat{S}_n converges in probability to η S. The function find_eta() returns the proportionality constant η for inputs ν, m and p. (Note: if ν \neq m, \hat{S}_n is technically not an MLE, but an M-estimator.)

Some specific values:

  • If ν = m (also for ∞ = ∞), then η = 1 (i.e., the MLE at the corresponding population distribution consistently estimates its population value).

  • If m = ∞ and 2 < ν < ∞, then η = ν/(ν-2).

  • If m = ∞ and ν <= 2, then η = ∞. Precisely: \hat{S}_n does not converge in this case.

The general expressions: η is the solution to
F(η) = E(φ(R/η)) - p = 0,
where φ(y) = y(m+p)/(m+y) and R = (X - μ)^\top S^{-1} (X-μ) for X \sim t_{ν,p}(μ,S). For the integral, stats::integrate is used, for finding the root the function stats::uniroot.

In general, ν (df_data) and m (df_est) can take on any positive value, including . The function works well for p <= 100 and ν >= 1. For larger values of p, setting η = 1 provides a good approximation (unless df_data is very small and df_est is rather large). For smaller values of ν, try the following potential remedies:

  • Re-consider if ν < 1 is really necessary. This is VERY heavy-tailed.

  • Adaptation of the search interval.

  • By a suitable substitution, transform the integral to numerically more stable one (bounded support).

F(η) is a decreasing function.

  • The larger df_est, the larger η.

  • The larger df_data, the smaller η.

  • The larger p, the closer η is to 1.


A real value. Returns the constant η (cf. Vogel and Tyler 2014, p. 870, Example 2). This first appeared in Tyler (1982, p. 432, Example 3) as σ^{-1}. It is also stated in Tyler (1983, p. 418) as σ^{-1}_{u,g}.


Daniel Vogel


Tyler, D. E. (1982): Radial estimates and the test for sphericity, Biometrika, 69, 2, pp. 429-36

Tyler, D. E. (1983): Robustness and efficiency properties of scatter matrices, Biometrika, 70, 2, pp. 411-20

Vogel, D., Tyler, D. E. (2014): Robust estimators for nondecomposable elliptical graphical models, Biometrika, 101, 865-882


find_eta(df_data = Inf, df_est = 3,   p = 10)
find_eta(df_data = 4.5, df_est = 4.5, p = 2)

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