predict.robmixglm: Predict Method for robmixglm

View source: R/predict.robmixglm.R

predict.robmixglmR Documentation

Predict Method for robmixglm


Obtains predictions from a fitted robust mixture generalized linear model object.


## S3 method for class 'robmixglm'
predict(object,  newdata  =  NULL, 
            type  =  c("link",  "response"),  ...)



a fitted object of class inheriting from robmixglm.


optionally, a data frame in which to look for variables with which to predict. If omitted, the fitted linear predictors are used.


the type of prediction required. The default link is on the scale of the linear predictors, while the alternative response is on the scale of the response variable.


Other parameters. (not used)


If newdata is omitted the predictions are based on the data used for the fit. In that case how cases with missing values in the original fit is determined by the na.action argument of that fit. If na.action = na.omit omitted cases will not appear in the residuals, whereas if na.action = na.exclude they will appear (in predictions and standard errors), with residual value NA. See also napredict.


A vector predicted linear predictors or response. For binomial the resonse is the predicted proportion.


forbes.robustmix <- robmixglm(100*log10(pres)~bp, data = forbes, cores = 1)
plot(forbes$bp, forbes$pres)
preddata <- data.frame(bp = seq(from  =  min(forbes$bp), to  =  max(forbes$bp),  by  =  0.01))
# convert to original scale
preddata$predpres <-10^(predict(forbes.robustmix, newdata = preddata)/100)
lines(preddata$bp, preddata$predpres, col = "red")

robmixglm documentation built on May 9, 2022, 9:08 a.m.