Man pages for robnptests
Robust Nonparametric Two-Sample Tests for Location/Scale

calc_perm_p_valueCalculation of permutation p-value
check_test_inputChecks for input arguments
compute_results_asymptoticTest decision for asymptotic versions of HL1-, HL2-, and...
compute_results_finiteFinite-sample test decision for HL1-, HL2-, and MED-tests
hl1_testTwo-sample location tests based on one-sample Hodges-Lehmann...
hl2_testTwo-sample location tests based on two-sample Hodges-Lehmann...
hodges_lehmannOne-sample Hodges-Lehmann estimator
hodges_lehmann_2sampleTwo-sample Hodges-Lehmann estimator
med_testTwo-sample location tests based on the sample median
m_estM-estimator of location
m_est_perm_distributionPermutation distribution for M-statistics
m_testTwo sample location test based on M-estimators
m_test_statisticTest statistics for the M-tests
perm_distributionPermutation distribution for robust test statistics
preprocess_dataPreprocess data for the robust two sample tests
rob_perm_statisticRobust test statistics based on robust location estimators
rob_scaleRobust scale estimators based on median absolute deviation
select_methodSelect principle for computing null distribution
trim_meanTrimmed mean
trimmed_tTest statistic for the two-sample trimmed t-test (Yuen's...
trimmed_testTwo-sample trimmed t-test (Yuen's t-Test)
win_meanWinsorized mean
win_varWinsorized variance
wobbleAdd random noise to remove ties
robnptests documentation built on Feb. 16, 2023, 7:10 p.m.