Man pages for robregcc
Robust Regression with Compositional Covariates

classoEstimate parameters of linear regression model with...
classo_pathCompute solution path of constrained lasso.
coef_ccExtract coefficients estimate from the sparse version of the...
cpsc_spPrincipal sensitivity component analysis with compositional...
plot_cvPlot cross-validation error plot
plot_pathPlot solution path at different value of lambda
plot_residPlot residuals estimate from robregcc object
residualsExtract residuals estimate from the sparse version of the...
robregcc_optionControl parameter for model estimation:
robregcc_simSimulation data
robregcc_spRobust model estimation approach for regression with...
simulate_robregccSimulated date for testing functions in the robregcc package...
robregcc documentation built on July 26, 2020, 1:07 a.m.