Man pages for rockr
'Rock' R Server Client

dot-authorizationHeaderBearerConstructs the value for the Bearer Authorization header
dot-authorizationHeaderRockrConstructs the value for the Opal Authorization header
dot-deparseTurn expression into character strings.
dot-getContentWrapper of httr::content()
dot-handleAttachmentHandle the file content.
dot-handleContentHandle the response content, unserialize when necessary.
dot-handleErrorHandle error response
dot-handleResponseDefault request response handler.
dot-handleResponseOrCallbackProcess response with default handler or the provided one
dot-is.openedCheck connection is opened, calls stop() if it is not the...
dot-is.verboseVerbose option
dot-urlUtility method to build urls. Concatenates all arguments and...
dot-verboseVerbose flag
rockr.assignAssign an R expression or data
rockr.assign.dataAssign an R object
rockr.assign.exprAssign an R expression
rockr.closeClose the R session
rockr.commandGet an asynchronous command
rockr.command_resultGet result of an asynchronous command
rockr.command_rmRemove an asynchronous command
rockr.commandsList the asynchronous commands
rockr.commands_rmRemove all asynchronous commands
rockr.connectRocker connection
rockr.deleteGeneric REST resource deletion.
rockr.evalEvaluate a R script
rockr.eval.sourceEvaluate a R file script
rockr.file_downloadDownload a file
rockr.file_uploadUpload a file
rockr.getGeneric REST resource getter.
rockr.logLog of the R server
rockr.openOpen an R session
rockr.packagePackage description from the R server
rockr.package_installInstall a package in the R server
rockr.package_rmRemove a package from the R server
rockr.packagesList of the packages in the R server
rockr.packages_datashieldList of the settings of the DataSHIELD packages
rockr.packages_rmRemove some packages from the R server
rockr.postGeneric REST resource creation.
rockr.putGeneric REST resource update.
rockr.restartRestart the R server
rockr.sessionGet a R session
rockr.sessionsList of the R sessions
rockr.session_switchSwitch R session
rockr.startStart the R server
rockr.statusStatus of the R server
rockr.stopStop the R server
rockr.versionVersion of the R server
rockr documentation built on March 12, 2021, 5:06 p.m.