roll_regres: Fitting Rolling and Expanding Linear Models

View source: R/roll_regres.R

roll_regresR Documentation

Fitting Rolling and Expanding Linear Models


Method for fast rolling and expanding regression models. I.e., linear models estimated over a moving window or expanding window of data. The function assumes that data is ordered.


roll_regres(formula, data, width, contrasts = NULL,
  do_compute = character(), grp = NULL, do_downdates = TRUE,
  min_obs = NULL)



as formula in lm.


an optional data.frame containing the variables in the model.


integer with the width of the moving window. Only used if do_downdates == TRUE.


list passed to model.matrix.defaults contrasts.arg argument.


character vector with elements "sigmas", "r.squareds", and/or "1_step_forecasts" for additional output to be computed. See "Details" in roll_regres.


integer vector to be used if you e.g., want to run the regression over weekly blocks of data. See "Details" in roll_regres.


logical which is TRUE if you want a rolling window regressions. Otherwise, an expanding window is used.


positive integer with minimum number of observation that are required in a window. Useful if there are gaps in grp or unequal number of observations for each grp.


do_compute can contain "sigmas" if you want the estimated standard deviation of the residuals, "r.squareds" for the R^2 of the models, and "1_step_forecasts" for the out-of-sample forecast for the next periods value.

grp is a sorted integer vector if you want to make "block" updates. E.g., grp could be an integer vector with the week number. The width argument is relative to the grp argument if the grp argument is not NULL. The indices of grp should match with the other data objects.

See vignette("Comparisons", package = "rollRegres") for further examples.


List with vector and matrices with the computed output. See the do_compute argument.

See Also for method that avoids the call to e.g., model.frame.


# simulate data
n <- 50
p <- 2
X <- cbind(1, matrix(rnorm(p * n), ncol = p))
y <- drop(X %*% c(1, -1, 1)) + rnorm(n)
df <- data.frame(y, X[, -1])

# compute coefs
out <- roll_regres(y ~ X1 + X2, df, width = 45L)

# compute more output
out <- roll_regres(
 y ~ X1 + X2, df, width = 45L,
 do_compute = c("sigmas", "r.squareds", "1_step_forecasts"))
lapply(out, tail)

rollRegres documentation built on May 5, 2022, 1:06 a.m.