Man pages for rootSolve
Nonlinear Root Finding, Equilibrium and Steady-State Analysis of Ordinary Differential Equations

gradientEstimates the gradient matrix for a simple function
hessianEstimates the hessian matrix
jacobian.bandBanded jacobian matrix for a system of ODEs (ordinary...
jacobian.fullFull square jacobian matrix for a system of ODEs (ordinary...
multirootSolves for n roots of n (nonlinear) equations.
multiroot.1DSolves for n roots of n (nonlinear) equations, created by...
plot.steadyPlot and Summary Method for steady1D, steady2D and steady3D...
rootSolveRoots and steady-states
runsteadyDynamically runs a system of ordinary differential equations...
steadyGeneral steady-state solver for a set of ordinary...
steady.1DSteady-state solver for multicomponent 1-D ordinary...
steady.2DSteady-state solver for 2-Dimensional ordinary differential...
steady.3DSteady-state solver for 3-Dimensional ordinary differential...
steady.bandSteady-state solver for ordinary differential equations;...
stodeIterative steady-state solver for ordinary differential...
stodesSteady-state solver for ordinary differential equations (ODE)...
uniroot.allFinds many (all) roots of one equation within an interval
rootSolve documentation built on Sept. 21, 2023, 5:06 p.m.