Man pages for rorqual.morpho
Morphological Allometry of Rorquals

allometryAllometric equations for rorqual morphology
morph_funGeneric morphology function
pipePipe operator
power_lawPower law
rorq_bizygomaticRorqual bizygomatic skull width
rorq_engulfRorqual engulfment capacity
rorq_flipperRorqual flipper length
rorq_flukeRorqual fluke length
rorq_mandibleRorqual projected mandible length
rorq_massRorqual mass
rorq_massratioRorqual engulfed water mass to body mass ratio
rorq_vgbRorqual ventral groove blubber length
rorqual.morpho documentation built on March 15, 2020, 5:06 p.m.