Man pages for rosetta
Parallel Use of Statistical Packages in Teaching

basicSPSStranslationBasic SPSS translation functions
buildModMedSemModelBuilds model for moderated mediation anaysis using SEM
cat0Concatenate to screen without spaces
confIntSDConfidence interval for standard deviation
cpbExampleA test dataset
crossTabCross tables
dataReductionFactor analysis or principal component analysis
examineExamine one or more variables
factorAnalysisjmvFactor Analysis
fanovaFlexible anova
formatPvaluePretty formatting of _p_ values
formatRPretty formatting of correlation coefficients
frequenciesFrequency tables
gemmAnalyze moderated mediation model using SEM
ggBarChartBar chart using ggplot
ggBoxplotBox plot using ggplot
ggqqEasy ggplot Q-Q plot
ggScatterPlotBar chart using ggplot
histogramSimple function to create a histogram
meansAndSumsCompute means and sums
optsOptions for the rosetta package
partypanelDataSubsets of the Party Panel 2015 dataset
plotIMMMakes plot of Index of Moderated Mediation of gemm object
plotIMM3dMakes 3D plots of Index of Moderated Mediation of gemm object
plotSSMakes simple slope plots of gemm object
prepIMM3dComputes Index of moderated mediation of gemm object
prepPlotIMMMakes Index of Mediated Moderated plots
prepPlotSSMakes simple slope plots
print.gemmprint method of object of class gemm
randomSlugGenerate a random slug
recodeRecode a Variable ('car' version)
repeatStrRepeat a string a number of times
rMatrixCorrelation matrix
rosettaDescrdescr (or descriptives)
rosettaDescriptiveCIsDescriptives with confidence intervals
rosettaLogRegrUserfriendly wrapper to do logistic regression in R
rosettaRegrregr: a simple regression analysis wrapper
rosettaReliabilityConduct reliability analyses with output similar to jamovi...
scatterMatrixScatter Matrix
scatterPlotEasy ggplot2 scatter plots
varViewVariable View
vecTxtEasily parse a vector into a character value
rosetta documentation built on March 7, 2023, 7:40 p.m.