Man pages for rotations
Working with Rotation Data

Angular-distributionsAngular distributions
ArithmeticArithmetic operators on SO(3)
bayesCRBayes credible regions
bayes.meanParameter estimates based on non-informative Bayes
CayleyThe symmetric Cayley distribution
cayley.kappaCircular variance and concentration parameter
centerCenter rotation data
changM-estimator asymptotic confidence region
discordMeasure of Discord
drillDrill data set
FisherThe matrix-Fisher distribution
fisheretalTransformation based pivotal bootstrap confidence region
fisher.kappaCircular variance and concentration parameter
genRGenerate rotations
gradient.searchGradient optimization for rotation data
HaarUniform distribution
headReturn the First or Last Parts of an Object
log.SO3Rotation logarithm
MaxwellThe modified Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution
maxwell.kappaCircular variance and concentration parameter
MCMCSO3MCMC for rotation data
meanMean rotation
medianMedian rotation
mis.angleMisorientation angle
mis.axisMisorientation axis
MisesThe circular-von Mises distribution
nickelNickel electron backscatter diffraction data set
plotVisualizing random rotations
pointsXYZProject rotation data onto sphere
prenticeTransformation based asymptotic confidence region
project.SO3Projection into SO(3)
Q4'Q4' class for storing rotation data as quaternions
regionConfidence and credible regions for the central orientation
rotationsA package for working with rotation data.
rot.distRotational distance
rotdist.sumSample distance
skew.expMatrix exponential
SO3'SO3' class for storing rotation data as rotation matrices
tailReturn the First or Last Parts of an Object
UARSGeneric UARS Distribution
vmises.kappaCircular variance and concentration parameter
weighted.meanWeighted mean rotation
zhangM-estimator theory pivotal bootstrap confidence region
rotations documentation built on May 29, 2024, 6:02 a.m.