
#' roxut
#' Much as \code{roxygen2} allows one to document functions in the same file
#' as the function itself, \code{roxut} allows one to write the unit tests
#' in the same file as the function.  Once processed, the unit tests are
#' moved to the appropriate directory.  Currently supports \code{testthat} and
#' \code{tinytest} frameworks.  The \code{roxygen2} package provides much of the infrastructure.
#' @name roxut-package
#' @aliases roxut
#' @docType package
#' @author Bryan A. Hanson.
#' Maintainer: Bryan A. Hanson \email{hanson@@depauw.edu}
#' @keywords package
#' @import roxygen2

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roxut documentation built on Aug. 23, 2021, 1:10 a.m.