Man pages for rpm
Modeling of Revealed Preferences Matchings

anova.rpmANOVA for rpm Fits
control.rpmAuxiliary for Controlling rpm
fauxmatchingFaux Data on Heterosexual Matching
Gale_ShapleyThis is the version of Gale-Shapley stable matching algorithm...
gofCalculate goodness-of-fit statistics for Revealed Preference...
list_rhs.formulaReturns a list containing the terms in a given formula
logLikNullCalculate the null model likelihood
logLik.rpmA 'logLik' method for ['rpm'] fits.
message_print['print'] objects to the ['message'] output.
microsimulateMicro simulate a population from a Revealed Preference...
rpmFit a Revealed Preference Matchings Model
rpm-internalInternal rpm Objects
rpm_MLPLEFit a Revealed Preference Matchings Model
rpm.model.functionsCreates a model function list for the continuous terms in a...
rpm.model.matrixCreates a model matrix to estimate the parameters of a...
rpm-packageModeling of Revealed Preferences Matchings
rpmpopulationpmfCompute the population distribution of pairs and singles from...
rpm-termsTerms used in a Revealed Preference Matchings Model
simulate.rpmSimulate a sample of pairs and singles from a Revealed...
summary_rpmSummarize Revealed Preference Matchings data via a Model...
summary.rpmSummarizing rpm Model Fits
ultExtract or replace the *ult*imate (last) element of a vector...
rpm documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:07 p.m.