
context("test model runs")

test_that("default model run",{
  # no atmospheric pressure given
    tc             = 20,
    vpd            = 1000,
    co2            = 400,
    fapar          = 1,
    ppfd           = 300,
    elv            = 0,
    kphio          = 0.049977,
    beta           = 146,
    c4             = FALSE,
    method_jmaxlim = "none",
    do_ftemp_kphio = FALSE,
    do_soilmstress = FALSE,
    verbose        = TRUE
  out_pmodel <- rpmodel( 
    tc             = 20,
    vpd            = 1000,
    co2            = 400,
    fapar          = 1,
    ppfd           = 300,
    elv            = 0,
    kphio          = 0.049977,
    beta           = 146,
    patm           = 1024,
    c4             = FALSE,
    method_jmaxlim = "none",
    do_ftemp_kphio = FALSE,
    do_soilmstress = FALSE,
    verbose        = TRUE
  # output must be a list
  expect_type(out_pmodel, "list")
  # kphio temp
  out_pmodel_kphio <- rpmodel( 
    tc             = 20,
    vpd            = 1000,
    co2            = 400,
    fapar          = 1,
    ppfd           = 300,
    elv            = 0,
    kphio          = 0.049977,
    beta           = 146,
    patm           = 1024,
    c4             = FALSE,
    method_jmaxlim = "none",
    do_ftemp_kphio = TRUE,
    do_soilmstress = FALSE,
    verbose        = TRUE
  # output must be a list
  expect_type(out_pmodel_kphio, "list")
  # for c4 run, assimilation and GPP are not identical
  # results in error (tests routine, not sure if
  # settings are meaningful)
      tc             = 20,
      vpd            = 1000,
      co2            = 400,
      fapar          = 1,
      ppfd           = 300,
      elv            = 0,
      kphio          = 0.049977,
      beta           = 146,
      patm           = 1024,
      c4             = TRUE,
      method_jmaxlim = "none",
      do_ftemp_kphio = FALSE,
      do_soilmstress = FALSE,
      verbose        = TRUE
  # enables soil moisture stress routine
  out_rpmodel_soilm <- rpmodel( 
      tc             = 20,
      vpd            = 1000,
      co2            = 400,
      fapar          = 1,
      ppfd           = 300,
      elv            = 0,
      kphio          = 0.049977,
      beta           = 146,
      patm           = 1024,
      c4             = FALSE,
      soilm          = 1,
      method_jmaxlim = "wang17",
      do_ftemp_kphio = FALSE,
      do_soilmstress = TRUE,
      verbose        = TRUE
  # check model output
  expect_type(out_rpmodel_soilm, "list")

test_that("jmax wang17",{
  out_pmodel <- rpmodel( 
    tc             = 20,
    vpd            = 1000,
    co2            = 400,
    fapar          = 1,
    ppfd           = 300,
    elv            = 0,
    kphio          = 0.049977,
    beta           = 146,
    patm           = 1024,
    c4             = FALSE,
    method_jmaxlim = "wang17",
    do_ftemp_kphio = FALSE,
    do_soilmstress = FALSE,
    verbose        = TRUE
  # output must be a list (no atmosphere warning)
  expect_type(out_pmodel, "list")

test_that("jmax smith19",{
  out_pmodel <- rpmodel( 
    tc             = 20,
    vpd            = 1000,
    co2            = 400,
    fapar          = 1,
    ppfd           = 300,
    elv            = 0,
    kphio          = 0.049977,
    beta           = 146,
    patm           = 1024,
    c4             = FALSE,
    method_jmaxlim = "smith19",
    do_ftemp_kphio = FALSE,
    do_soilmstress = FALSE,
    verbose        = TRUE
  # output must be a list (no atmosphere warning)
  expect_type(out_pmodel, "list")

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rpmodel documentation built on June 28, 2024, 1:06 a.m.