Man pages for rpymat
Easy to Configure an Isolated 'Python' Environment

choose-fileChoose file or directory to open via "Python"
conda-env'Miniconda' environment
jupyterInstall, register, launch 'Jupyter' notebook to the virtual...
py_builtinGet 'Python' built-in object
py_listList in 'Python'
py_sliceSlice index in 'Python' arrays
read_xlsxRead data frame from a "xlsx" file
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
repl_pythonEnable interactive 'python' from R
reticulate-reexportsWrappers around "reticulate" package
rpymat-python-mainGet 'Python' main process environment
run_commandExecute command with additional environments
run_pyscriptRun 'Python' script
rpymat documentation built on Aug. 22, 2023, 9:12 a.m.