Man pages for rredlist
'IUCN' Red List Client

rl_citationGet the citation Red List API version
rl_common_namesGet common names for a given taxonomic name
rl_comp_groupsInformation about comprehensive groups
rl_countriesGet countries
rl_growth_formsGet plant species growth forms by taxon name, IUCN id, and...
rl_habitatsGet species habitats by taxon name, IUCN id, and region
rl_historyGet historical assessments by taxon name, IUCN id, and region
rl_measuresGet species conservation measures by taxon name, IUCN id, and...
rl_narrativeGet species narrative information by taxon name, IUCN id, and...
rl_occ_countryGet country occurrence by species name or ID
rl_regionsGet regions
rl_searchSearch by taxon name, IUCN id, and region
rl_spGet species
rl_sp_categoryGet species by category
rl_sp_citationGet citations by taxon name, IUCN id, and region
rl_sp_countGet total species count of taxa in the Red List
rl_sp_countryGet species by country
rl_synonymsGet species synonym information by taxonomic name
rl_threatsGet species threats by taxon name, IUCN id, and region
rl_use_iucnHelper to get and save IUCN API key
rl_versionGet the Red List API version
rredlist documentation built on Nov. 12, 2022, 1:17 a.m.