appMode overrides

These test deploying one project to multiple targets having different types, confirming deployApp() support for its appMode.

  1. Create a new project.

    r usethis::create_project("~/Desktop/appmode-lies")

  2. Populate that project with content.

    ```r writeLines(c( "shinyApp(ui = fluidPage('Shiny lying liars lie.'), server = function(input, output){})" ), "app.R") writeLines(c( "", "appmode lies", "", "

    Static lying liars lie.

    ", "app.R,", "plumber.R,", "report.Rmd", "", "" ), "index.html") writeLines(c( "---", "title: Reporting lying liars lie.", "---", "", "Reporting lying liars lie." ), "report.Rmd") writeLines(c( "#* @get /lie", "function() { 'API lying liars lie.' }" ), "plumber.R")

  3. Deploy this content in a variety of ways.

    ```r account <- "" server <- ""

    rsconnect::deployApp( appTitle = "lying: inference", appFiles = c("app.R", "index.html", "plumber.R", "report.Rmd"), account = account, server = server )

    rsconnect::deployApp( appName = "appmode-lies-plumber", appTitle = "lying: plumber", appFiles = c("app.R", "index.html", "plumber.R", "report.Rmd"), appMode = "api", account = account, server = server )

    rsconnect::deployApp( appName = "appmode-lies-shiny", appTitle = "lying: shiny", appFiles = c("app.R", "index.html", "plumber.R", "report.Rmd"), appMode = "shiny", account = account, server = server )

    rsconnect::deployApp( appName = "appmode-lies-rmarkdown", appTitle = "lying: rmarkdown", appFiles = c("app.R", "index.html", "plumber.R", "report.Rmd"), appMode = "rmd-static", account = account, server = server )

    rsconnect::deployApp( appName = "appmode-lies-static", appTitle = "lying: static", appFiles = c("app.R", "index.html", "plumber.R", "report.Rmd"), appMode = "static", account = account, server = server ) ```

Try the rsconnect package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rsconnect documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:26 a.m.