
test_that("linter warns about absolute paths and relative paths", {
  withr::defer(unlink("~/.rsconnect-tests", recursive = TRUE))

  result <- lint(test_path("shinyapp-with-absolute-paths"))

  absPathLintedIndices <- result[["server.R"]]$absolute.paths$indices
  expect_identical(as.numeric(absPathLintedIndices), 15)

test_that("The linter identifies files not matching in case sensitivity", {
  result <- lint(test_path("shinyapp-with-absolute-paths"))
  server.R <- result[["server.R"]]
  filepath.capitalization <- server.R[["filepath.capitalization"]]
  expect_equal(as.integer(filepath.capitalization$indices), 31)

test_that("The linter identifies files with Markdown links not matching in case sensitivity", {
  result <- lint(test_path("test-rmd-bad-case"))
  index.Rmd <- result[["index.Rmd"]]
  filepath.capitalization <- index.Rmd[["filepath.capitalization"]]
  expect_equal(as.integer(filepath.capitalization$indices), 29)

test_that("The linter identifies browser() statements correctly", {
  result <- lint("shinyapp-with-browser")
  server.R <- result[["server.R"]]
  browseLines <- server.R[["browser"]]
  expect_true(browseLines$indices == 9)

test_that("The linter identifies browseURL() statements correctly", {
  result <- lint("shinyapp-with-browser")
  server.R <- result[["server.R"]]
  browseLines <- server.R[["browseURL"]]
  expect_true(browseLines$indices == 5)

test_that("The linter accepts a plumber API", {
  result <- lint("test-plumber")

test_that("Linters can run on files with multibyte characters", {
  expect_true(TRUE) # didn't stop

Try the rsconnect package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rsconnect documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:26 a.m.