Man pages for rsetse
Strain Elevation Tension Spring Embedding

biconnected_networkA simple network made of three bi-connected components
calc_spring_areaCalculate the cross sectional area of the edge
calc_spring_constantCalculate the spring constant
calc_tension_strainCalculate line tension and strain from the topology and node...
calc_tension_strain_hdCalculate line tension and strain from the topology and node...
create_balanced_blocksCreate balanced blocks
create_node_edge_dfCreate dataframe of node and aggregated edge embeddings
create_node_edge_df_hdCreate dataframe of node and aggregated edge embeddings for...
generate_peels_networkCreate a random Peel network
mass_adjusterMass adjuster
pipePipe operator
prepare_categorical_forcePrepare categorical features for embedding
prepare_continuous_forcePrepare continuous features for embedding
prepare_edgesPrepare network edges
remove_small_componentsRemove small components
setseBasic SETSe embedding
setse_autoSETSe embedding with automatic drag and timestep selection
setse_auto_hdSETSe embedding with automatic drag and timestep selection...
setse_bicompSETSe embedding on each bi-connected component using...
setse_expandedSETSe embedding showing full convergence history
setse_shiftsetse algorithm with automatic timestep adjustment
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
rsetse documentation built on June 11, 2021, 5:07 p.m.