
#' Introduction to the \code{rslurm} Package
#' Send long-running or parallel jobs to a Slurm workload manager (i.e. cluster)
#' using the \code{\link{slurm_call}}, \code{\link{slurm_apply}}, or
#' \code{\link{slurm_map}} functions.
#' @section Job submission:
#'   This package includes three core functions used to send computations to a 
#'   Slurm cluster: 1) \code{\link{slurm_call}} executes a function using a 
#'   single set of parameters (passed as a list), 2) \code{\link{slurm_apply}} 
#'   evaluates a function in parallel for each row of parameters in a given 
#'   data frame, and 3) \code{\link{slurm_map}} evaluates a function in parallel
#'   for each element of a list. 
#'   The functions \code{slurm_apply} and \code{slurm_map} automatically split the 
#'   parameter rows or list elements into equal-size chunks, 
#'   each chunk to be processed by a separate cluster node. 
#'   They use functions from the \code{\link[parallel]{parallel-package}} 
#'   package to parallelize computations across processors on a given node.
#'   The output of \code{slurm_apply}, \code{slurm_map}, or \code{slurm_call} 
#'   is a \code{slurm_job} object that serves as an input to the other functions in the package: 
#'   \code{\link{print_job_status}}, \code{\link{cancel_slurm}}, 
#'   \code{\link{get_slurm_out}} and \code{\link{cleanup_files}}.
#' @section Function specification:
#'   To be compatible with \code{\link{slurm_apply}}, a function may accept any 
#'   number of single value parameters. The names of these parameters must match
#'   the column names of the \code{params} data frame supplied. There are no 
#'   restrictions on the types of parameters passed as a list to 
#'   \code{\link{slurm_call}} or \code{\link{slurm_map}}
#'   If the function passed to \code{slurm_call} or \code{slurm_apply} requires 
#'   knowledge of any R objects (data, custom helper functions) besides 
#'   \code{params}, a character vector corresponding to their names should be 
#'   passed to the optional \code{global_objects} argument.
#'   When parallelizing a function, since any error will interrupt all 
#'   calculations for the current node, it may be useful to wrap expressions 
#'   which may generate errors into a \code{\link[base]{try}} or 
#'   \code{\link[base:conditions]{tryCatch}} function. This will ensure the computation 
#'   continues with the next parameter set after reporting the error.
#' @section Output Format:
#'   The default output format for \code{get_slurm_out} (\code{outtype = "raw"})
#'   is a list where each element is the return value of one function call. If 
#'   the function passed to \code{slurm_apply} produces a vector output, you may
#'   use \code{outtype = "table"} to collect the output in a single data frame, 
#'   with one row by function call.
#' @section Slurm Configuration:
#'   Advanced options for the Slurm workload manager may accompany job submission
#'   by \code{\link{slurm_call}}, \code{\link{slurm_map}}, and \code{\link{slurm_apply}} 
#'   through the optional \code{slurm_options} argument. For example, passing
#'   \code{list(time = '1:30:00')} for this options limits the job to 1 hour and 30
#'   minutes. Some advanced configuration must be set through environment 
#'   variables. On a multi-cluster head node, for example, the \code{SLURM_CLUSTERS}
#'   environment variable must be set to direct jobs to a non-default cluster.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Create a data frame of mean/sd values for normal distributions 
#' pars <- data.frame(par_m = seq(-10, 10, length.out = 1000), 
#'                    par_sd = seq(0.1, 10, length.out = 1000))
#' # Create a function to parallelize
#' ftest <- function(par_m, par_sd) {
#'  samp <- rnorm(10^7, par_m, par_sd)
#'  c(s_m = mean(samp), s_sd = sd(samp))
#' }
#' sjob1 <- slurm_apply(ftest, pars)
#' print_job_status(sjob1)
#' res <- get_slurm_out(sjob1, "table")
#' all.equal(pars, res) # Confirm correct output
#' cleanup_files(sjob1)
#' }
#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @docType package
#' @name rslurm-package

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rslurm documentation built on March 7, 2023, 5:37 p.m.