dot-nodesExists: Node Inclusion Checker

Description Usage Arguments Details Value See Also


Given a graph g, and a data frame of forbidden paths f, the function checks that all nodes used on f are also present on the graph.





The original graph from which the attributes need to be extracted. This cannot be a G*, and it must have at least one attribute, besides the from and to columns.


The set of forbidden paths, written as a data frame. Each row represents a path as a sequence of nodes. Each row may be of different size, filling the empty cells with NA. All nodes involved must be part of g, and no forbidden path can be of size 2. This is because the latter is thought as an arc that should not exist in the first place.


Private function that cannot be used by the package's end-users.


TRUE if all nodes in f are present in the graph. Otherwise, it returns FALSE.

See Also

Other Private Functions: .comb, .get_arc_attributes, .hasSubpaths

rsppfp documentation built on May 1, 2019, 10:27 p.m.