Man pages for rstantools
Tools for Developing R Packages Interfacing with 'Stan'

bayes_R2Generic function and default method for Bayesian R-squared
init_cppRegister functions implemented in C++
log_likGeneric function for pointwise log-likelihood
loo-predictionGeneric functions for LOO predictions
nsamplesGeneric function for extracting the number of posterior...
posterior_epredGeneric function for accessing the posterior distribution of...
posterior_intervalGeneric function and default method for posterior uncertainty...
posterior_linpredGeneric function for accessing the posterior distribution of...
posterior_predictGeneric function for drawing from the posterior predictive...
predictive_errorGeneric function and default method for predictive errors
predictive_intervalGeneric function for predictive intervals
prior_summaryGeneric function for extracting information about prior...
rstan_configConfigure system files for compiling Stan source code
rstan_create_packageCreate a new R package with compiled Stan programs
rstantools-packageTools for Developing R Packages Interfacing with Stan
use_rstanAdd Stan infrastructure to an existing package
rstantools documentation built on July 26, 2023, 5:35 p.m.