Man pages for rtf
Rich Text Format (RTF) Output

addHeader.RTFInsert a header into the RTF document
addNewLine.RTFInsert a new line into the RTF document
addPageBreak.RTFInsert a page break into the RTF document optionally...
addParagraph.RTFInsert a paragraph into the RTF document
addPlot.RTFInsert a plot into the RTF document
addPng.RTFInsert an existing PNG image into the RTF document
addSessionInfo.RTFInsert session information into the RTF document
addTable.RTFInsert a table into the RTF document
addText.RTFInsert text into the RTF document
addTOC.RTFInsert table of contents field
addTrellisObject.RTFInsert a trellis plot object into the RTF document
decreaseIndent.RTFDecrease RTF document indent
done.RTFWrite and close the RTF output
endParagraph.RTFEnd a paragraph in the RTF document
increaseIndent.RTFIncrease RTF document indent
Non-documented_objectsNon-documented objects
RTFThe RTF class
rtf.forest.plotGet an RTF encoded forest plot
rtf-packagePackage rtf
setFontSize.RTFSet RTF document font size
startParagraph.RTFStart a new paragraph in the RTF document
view.RTFView encoded RTF
rtf documentation built on March 26, 2020, 7:40 p.m.