rxStack: Stack a solved object for things like default ggplot2 plot

View source: R/rxStack.R

rxStackR Documentation

Stack a solved object for things like default ggplot2 plot


Stack a solved object for things like default ggplot2 plot


rxStack(data, vars = NULL, doSim = TRUE)



is a rxode2 object to be stacked.


Variables to include in stacked data; By default this is all the variables when vars is NULL.

When vars is sim and comes from a rxode2 ui simulation with multiple endpoints (ie it has a CMT in the simulation), it will rework the data as if it was stacked based the value based on the compartments in the multiple endpoint model.

When the vars is sim.endpoint1 it will subset the stack to endpoint1, you can also have 'c("sim.endpoint1", "sim.endpoint2") and the "stack" will subset to endpoint1 and endpoint2.

When you specify the sim type variables they have to be all prefixed with sim otherwise, the stack will not treat them differently.


boolean that determines if the "sim" variable in a rxSolve dataset is actually "stacking" based on the endpoint (TRUE) or simply treating sim as a variable.


Stacked data with value and trt, where value is the values and trt is the state and lhs variables.


Matthew Fidler

rxode2et documentation built on June 22, 2024, 12:17 p.m.