PlotMatrix: Function to convert any numerical table to a grid of coloured...

View source: R/PlotMatrix.R

PlotMatrixR Documentation

Function to convert any numerical table to a grid of coloured squares.


This function converts a numerical data matrix into a coloured grid. It is useful for a slide or article to present tabular results as colors instead of numbers.


  brks = NULL,
  cols = NULL,
  toptitle = NULL,
  title.color = "royalblue4",
  xtitle = NULL,
  ytitle = NULL,
  xlabels = NULL,
  xvert = FALSE,
  ylabels = NULL,
  line = 3,
  figure.width = 1,
  legend = TRUE,
  legend.width = 0.15,
  xlab_dist = NULL,
  ylab_dist = NULL,
  fileout = NULL,
  size_units = "px",
  res = 100,



A numerical matrix containing the values to be displayed in a colored image.


A vector of the color bar intervals. The length must be one more than the parameter 'cols'. Use ColorBar() to generate default values.


A vector of valid color identifiers for color bar. The length must be one less than the parameter 'brks'. Use ColorBar() to generate default values.


A string of the title of the grid. Set NULL as default.


A string of valid color identifier to decide the title color. Set "royalblue4" as default.


A string of title of the x-axis. Set NULL as default.


A string of title of the y-axis. Set NULL as default.


A vector of labels of the x-axis. The length must be length of the column of parameter 'var'. Set the sequence from 1 to the length of the column of parameter 'var' as default.


A logical value to decide whether to place x-axis labels vertically. Set FALSE as default, which keeps the labels horizontally.


A vector of labels of the y-axis The length must be length of the row of parameter 'var'. Set the sequence from 1 to the length of the row of parameter 'var' as default.


An integer specifying the distance between the title of the x-axis and the x-axis. Set 3 as default. Adjust if the x-axis labels are long.


A positive number as a ratio adjusting the width of the grids. Set 1 as default.


A logical value to decide to draw the grid color legend or not. Set TRUE as default.


A number between 0 and 0.5 to adjust the legend width. Set 0.15 as default.


A number specifying the distance between the x labels and the x axis. If not specified, it equals to -1 - (nrow(var) / 10 - 1).


A number specifying the distance between the y labels and the y axis. If not specified, it equals to 0.5 - ncol(var) / 10.


A string of full directory path and file name indicating where to save the plot. If not specified (default), a graphics device will pop up.


A string indicating the units of the size of the device (file or window) to plot in. Set 'px' as default. See ?Devices and the creator function of the corresponding device.


A positive number indicating resolution of the device (file or window) to plot in. See ?Devices and the creator function of the corresponding device.


The additional parameters to be passed to function ColorBar() in s2dv for color legend creation.


A figure in popup window by default, or saved to the specified path.


#Example with random data
PlotMatrix(var = matrix(rnorm(n = 120, mean = 0.3), 10, 12),
           cols = c('white','#fef0d9','#fdd49e','#fdbb84','#fc8d59',
                      '#e34a33','#b30000', '#7f0000'),
           brks = c(-1, 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 1),
           toptitle = "Mean Absolute Error", 
           xtitle = "Forecast time (month)", ytitle = "Start date",
           xlabels = c("Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", 
                       "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"))

s2dv documentation built on Oct. 13, 2024, 9:07 a.m.