FactorAnalyses: Construct a poset of factor analysis models.

Description Usage Arguments Value


Creates an object representing a collection of factor analysis models. There is one model for each fixed number of factors from 0 to some specified maximum number of factors. Each model is identified by a single number, in particular the model with n factors is associated with the model numbered (n + 1), this is because we allow a model with 0 factors and would like all models to be numbered with strictly positive integers for consistency. Models are naturally ordered by inclusion so that, for example, a model with 2 factors comes before a model with 3 or more factors.


FactorAnalyses(numCovariates = 1, maxNumFactors = 0)



the number of covariates in all of the models.


the maximum number of factors allowed in a model, will create a hierarchy of all models with less than or equal to this number.


An object representing the collection.

sBIC documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:16 a.m.